What Your Most-Used Emoji Says About You


Written by Timothy Lewis (@MrTeeLew) — January 8th, 2020.

The Emoji, in a nuanced way, represents an evolution in communication. By combining text and imagery with instantaneous delivery, we have the most refined non-verbal discourse in human history. At the risk of being too existential, I’ve created a list of the nine most commonly used emojis with a nutshell breakdown of what our most-used selections say about us.

Laughing Emoji

The laughing emoji is the new “lol”. If this is your most-used emoji, you are spending a significant amount of time on social media and in group chats where media is shared. Laughter is the best medicine, and whether you’re shooting milk out your nose or the edge of your lips barely curl for a smirk, you’re quick to offer endorsement. Chances are you probably think you’re funny as well, following up personal stories and observations with two or more laughing emojis. Fret not, there’s worse traits than positive enthusiasm.

Crying Emoji

Those who most-use the crying emoji know that it’s not because they are grief-stricken. Rather, it more commonly decodes sarcasm, irony, sympathy, and regret. There’s a reflectivity to the crying emoji that suggests thoughtfulness. However, it also flirts with the laughing emoji; over-appropriated and therefore desensitized. If the laughing and crying emoji are your top two, there’s a good chance your disposition is to find humor in difficult situations as a coping mechanism.

Heart Emoji

What’s more pure than pushing forth love? If this is your most used, you are most likely using your phone less for social media engagement and more for interpersonal communication. My guess is that the person who has the heart emoji as their most-used is older than the user of crying or laughing emoji, engaged in a serious relationship, and speaks with family often via text message. You probably won’t even see this article. And good for you, you’re winning.

Disclaimer: Does not apply for alternative heart emojis.

Smiling Emoji

The smiling emoji is a solid emoji. I use it frequently. But it probably shouldn’t be your most-used. Reserve it for when you’re particularly cheery about something. If you’re in a tough relationship and you’re repeatedly following up sentences with smiling emojis as a preemptive de-escalation, it’s time to move on.

Praise Emoji

Gratitude is the most powerful force in the universe. It’s the heartbeat of humility and a fundamental element to countless success stories. Be grateful, give praise.

“Got double Chick-Fil-A on Saturday so I got some on Sunday 🙌”

“Hard work pays off! Trust the process 🙌🙌”

“I hope 2020 is good to my folks 🙌🙏🙌”

Thinking Emoji

It’s not that deep. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the Earth is round, climate change is real, and Wikipedia is more reliable than YouTube for your facts.

Alternatively, you’re inclined to be reacting to provocative media in a sarcastic or judgmental manner. The thinking emoji often functions as a judgment on the behavior of others, indicating that the person using it has strong convictions about what constitutes appropriate behavior.

Kiss Emoji

The DM slider. The Tinder swiper. The Bumble extraordinaire. The kissy face is most flirty of all emojis and the second most suggestive (to the look-away smirk emoji). Whoever has the kiss emoji is not somebody in a committed relationship. Sure, those in a relationship may frequent it’s use, but there’s no need to spam its cute little heart kisses to somebody you have an emotionally-secure bond with.

The kiss emoji gets right down to the point. You likely introduce it early and often to get a read on the vibe. It’s less socially unaware than a straight up “DTF?”, but it gets the point across. Good luck, you filthy animal.

Thumbs Up Emoji

I have to respect the person using the thumbs-up emoji. You’re not trying to look at the screen any longer than you have to. It’s all about business. One day you went to send an “ok” text and saw the thumbs up emoji just sitting there, ready to be customized to your personal skin tone. Once it was added to the “recently used” selection, it quickly rose to the top of your most-used, as a surefire was to show positive affirmation and quickly end any text conversation.

The thumbs up can be used to recognize the terms of business. It can be used to confirm simple questions. And best of all, it’s among the best ways to tell that persistent texter you’re just not that interested. Enjoy your Fortune-500 company, stud.

Fire Emoji

This person’s second most-used emoji is probably the “💯”. They are constantly trying to find the new wave and are so intent on doing so that they spend no time socializing in a meaningful way, indicated by the lack of facially-descriptive emojis.

They also likely have a SoundCloud account comprised from vocals using a karaoke microphone and garageband beats. Look for their material to be linked below successful musicians’ newest social media drop or in the YouTube comments of independent instrumentals. We all know one.

What do you think? Which Emoji is your most used? Is the description accurate? Let us know by on any of the social media linked below!

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