2020 New Year

Roughly four years ago, my friends and I launched Rising Young Minds (The RYM), with the dream of evolving it into a platform for commentary on the many topics of the day. Since then, we’ve worked with various bloggers, from amateur to professional, and discovered the limitless potential of the expression economy.

It has never been easy. Finding, building, and maintaining an audience is a lot more difficult than social media would have us believe. But each new year, each success and failure, has only proven to make this more worthwhile. We’ve learned, we’ve grown, and become more focused. This is due in no small part to feedback and engagement from our readers and listeners.

In 2019, The RYM introduced three content channels: Scraptitude, NerdCraft Nation (NCN), and PubSquare. All three were set to include podcasts. Two have already debuted — Scraptitude in January, and NCN in April — and the third is in development for the new year. Through these channels, writers and content creators have debated everything from major fights to politics to films and television shows. And we very much look forward to carrying that into a new year, and a new decade.

On behalf of The RYM, I’d like to thank you all for joining us these last few years. We hope you continue to stick it out with us, and we continue to welcome your perspectives through social media or content submissions.

On a personal note, I’d like to thank my co-founders Tim Lewis (@MrTeeLew) and Chris Walker (@cwlkr20) for the past four years; our podcast hosts Geoffrey Aikens (@OhArd215), Austin Hall (@ADWAustin), and Jose Lopez (@Sh1tJayLowSays); our current and former editors; and all of our guest contributors! None of this would have been possible without all of you.

2020 has a lot in store for us. It’s an election year, so we’ll be back with our coverage via PubSquare. NCN is cooking up new episodes and nerd content. Scraptitude will continue its evolution into a multi-faceted home of boxing and MMA. And, who knows? We just may have more in store for you as the year goes on.

Happy New Year, everyone. Here’s to 2020!

Want to keep up with Scraptitude? Follow on Twitter and Instagram!

Want to keep up with NerdCraft Nation? Follow on Twitter and Instagram!

Want to keep up with PubSquare? Follow on Twitter and Instagram!

Want to keep up with The RYM? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, follow us on Instagram, or join our mailing list below!

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